Sven Forkbeard inquiry
(too old to reply)
Brian Hessick
2023-11-17 03:03:10 UTC
From what I have gathered, the only proven lineage to Emma de Normandy is via the Sudeley line through Ralph de Mantes, Earl of Hereford (d. 1057), son of Drogo de Mantes, Count of Vexin, and Godgifu of Wessex.

I am wondering if someone might be aware of a similar scenario where a descendant of Sven Forkbeard found their way into the Anglo or Norman nobility? The closest I’ve found is Elizabeth Plantagenet, daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, married (1st) John I de Holland, Count of Holland and Zeeland (d. 1299) (descendant of Helena Estridsen), but they had no issue.
Hans Vogels
2023-11-17 07:19:44 UTC
Post by Brian Hessick
From what I have gathered, the only proven lineage to Emma de Normandy is via the Sudeley line through Ralph de Mantes, Earl of Hereford (d. 1057), son of Drogo de Mantes, Count of Vexin, and Godgifu of Wessex.
I am wondering if someone might be aware of a similar scenario where a descendant of Sven Forkbeard found their way into the Anglo or Norman nobility? The closest I’ve found is Elizabeth Plantagenet, daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, married (1st) John I de Holland, Count of Holland and Zeeland (d. 1299) (descendant of Helena Estridsen), but they had no issue.
John I de Holland, Count of Holland and Zeeland (d. 1299) (descendant of Helena Estridsen) <<

Hans Vogels
Brian Hessick
2023-11-17 08:22:28 UTC
Post by Hans Vogels
Post by Brian Hessick
From what I have gathered, the only proven lineage to Emma de Normandy is via the Sudeley line through Ralph de Mantes, Earl of Hereford (d. 1057), son of Drogo de Mantes, Count of Vexin, and Godgifu of Wessex.
I am wondering if someone might be aware of a similar scenario where a descendant of Sven Forkbeard found their way into the Anglo or Norman nobility? The closest I’ve found is Elizabeth Plantagenet, daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, married (1st) John I de Holland, Count of Holland and Zeeland (d. 1299) (descendant of Helena Estridsen), but they had no issue.
John I de Holland, Count of Holland and Zeeland (d. 1299) (descendant of Helena Estridsen) <<
Hans Vogels
Sven Haraldsson, King of Denmark, Norway, and England
Æstriðr Svendsdatter of Denmark, married Ulf Thorgilsson, Jarl of Skåne and Orkney
Sven II Ulfsson, King of Denmark, and [Unknown]
Erik I Svendsson, King of Denmark, married Boedil Thurgotsdatter
St. Canute Lavard Estridsen, Duke of Schleswig, married Ingeborg Monomakhovichi of Kiev
Valdemar I Estridsen, King of Denmark, married Sophia Iziaslavichi of Minsk
Helena Estridsen, married William Welf, Lord of Lüneburg
Otto I Welf, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, married Matilda von Ascania
Elisabeth Welf, married William II van Holland, King of Germany, Count of Holland and Zeeland
Floris V van Holland, Count of Holland and Zeeland, married Beatrice de Dampierre
John I van Holland, Count of Holland and Zeeland, married Elizabeth Plantagenet
joseph cook
2023-11-17 12:47:42 UTC
Post by Brian Hessick
From what I have gathered, the only proven lineage to Emma de Normandy is via the Sudeley line through Ralph de Mantes, Earl of Hereford (d. 1057), son of Drogo de Mantes, Count of Vexin, and Godgifu of Wessex.
I am wondering if someone might be aware of a similar scenario where a descendant of Sven Forkbeard found their way into the Anglo or Norman nobility? The closest I’ve found is Elizabeth Plantagenet, daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, married (1st) John I de Holland, Count of Holland and Zeeland (d. 1299) (descendant of Helena Estridsen), but they had no issue.
If you are descended from James IV of Scotland you may be in luck..he might be the earliest known British notable descendant though..

1. Forkbeard
2. Estrid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrid_Svendsdatter
3. Svend IV King of Denmark c.1026 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweyn_II_of_Denmark
4. Knud IV King of Denmark c.1043 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canute_IV_of_Denmark
5. Ingegard c.1080 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingegerd_Knutsdatter
6. Benedikt Folkason c.1105- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengt_Snivil
7. Magnus Minneskold c.1160-1208 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Minniski%C3%B6ld
8. Birger Magnussen c.1205-1266 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birger_Jarl
9. Rikissa Birgersdotter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rikissa_Birgersdotter
10. Richza https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rixa_of_Werle
11. Magnus I c.1304 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_I,_Duke_of_Brunswick-L%C3%BCneburg
12. Magnus Torquatus c.1328 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_II,_Duke_of_Brunswick-L%C3%BCneburg
13. Katharina Elisabeth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Elisabeth_of_Brunswick
14. Helvig Gerhardsdatter c.1398 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helvig_of_Schauenburg
15 Christian King of Denmark 1426- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_I_of_Denmark
16 Margreth of Denmark m. James III King of Scots 1451- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_of_Denmark,_Queen_of_Scotland
19 Mary Stewart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_of_Denmark,_Queen_of_Scotland
20 James IV/I King of Scots/England https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_IV_of_Scotland
21. James V King of Scots
22. James VI/1 King of Scots/England

Joe Cook
