Buchanan and the President
(too old to reply)
Leo van de Pas
2008-03-23 23:16:05 UTC
Murdoch Stewart, 2nd Duke of Albany and his wife Isabel Lennox, de jure 9th Countess of Lennox,
had a daughter
Isabel Stewart who married Sir Walter Buchanan of That Ilk.

As the Buchanan family did not obtain a peerage the early generations are as good as impossible to find.

Burke's Presidential families seems to feel sure about the following lineage:

1.Murdoch Stewart, Duke of Albany 1362-1425-x-Isabel Lennox
2..Isabel Stewart-x-Sir Walter Buchanan of That Ilk
3. Thomas Buchanan who married and had issue
4 John Buchanan of Gartincabel, born 1545 (?)
Lets assume Isabel Stewart was born in 1425, would that make it possible her son had in turn a son born in 1545?
5.George Buchanan of Gartincabel married Elizabeth Leckie
6.John Buchanan of Blairlusk
7. George Buchanan born 1648 who went to Ireland, married Elizabeth Mayne
8.John Buchanan born 1676 married Catherine Black
9.Thomas Buchanan
10.John Buchanan, married Jane Russell
11.James Buchanan born 1761/1762 went to Pennsylvania, married Elizabeth Speer
12.James Buchanan, 15th President of the USA

Gary Boyd Roberts must have cringed when he saw the above.
lets repeat the lineage with the above numbers and see what GBR thinks about it
5.perhaps George Buchanan of Gartincaber and Elizabeth Leckie
6.perhaps John Buchanan of Blairlusk-x-unknown
7.perhaps George Buchanan, married Elizabeth Mayne
8.said to be Thomas Buchanan
9.Unknown first name Buchanan
10.John Buchanan married Jane Russell
11.James Buchanan married Elizxabeth Speer
12.James Buchanan 15th President of the USA

In his book on the USA Presidents page 190 he gives an _unproven_ line to Robert III, King of Scots, and the line does not go via Murdoch Sterwart, Duke of Albany

In Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain, The Kingdom in Scotland, two entries for Buchanan families can be found.
The first is the family of Sir Andrew George Buchanan, 5th Baronet, born 1937, but his family is recorded from about 1700 onwards.

The second family, Carrick-Buchanan, has a for me infuriating beginning
Alexander Buchanan, 5th in descent from John of Leny, 3rd son of John, Buchanan of That Ilk, Laird of Buchanan, in the 15th century, had issue etc.

My question is: Does anyone know who the children were of Sir Walter Buchanan of That Ilk and his wife Isabel Stewart?

With many thanks.
Leo van de Pas,
Canberra, Australia
John P. Ravilious
2008-03-25 02:37:18 UTC
Dear Leo,

I don't know the answer to the question you raise concerning the
Buchanan-Albany link, but I know someone who likely does. I will pose
your question as soon as I get a chance, and relay what I find back to
you (this may yet be just a few weeks ahead).

All the best meanwhile,

Post by Leo van de Pas
Murdoch Stewart, 2nd Duke of Albany and his wife Isabel Lennox, de jure 9th Countess of Lennox,
had a daughter
Isabel Stewart who married Sir Walter Buchanan of That Ilk.
As the Buchanan family did not obtain a peerage the early generations are as good as impossible to find.
1.Murdoch Stewart, Duke of Albany 1362-1425-x-Isabel Lennox
2..Isabel Stewart-x-Sir Walter Buchanan of That Ilk
3. Thomas Buchanan who married and had issue
4 �John Buchanan of Gartincabel, born 1545 (?)
� � Lets assume Isabel Stewart was born in 1425, would that make it possible her son had in turn a son born in 1545?
5.George Buchanan of Gartincabel married Elizabeth Leckie
6.John Buchanan of Blairlusk
7. George Buchanan born 1648 who went to Ireland, married Elizabeth Mayne
8.John Buchanan born 1676 married Catherine Black
9.Thomas Buchanan
10.John Buchanan, married Jane Russell
11.James Buchanan born 1761/1762 went to Pennsylvania, married Elizabeth Speer
12.James Buchanan, 15th President of the USA
Gary Boyd Roberts must have cringed when he saw the above.
lets repeat the lineage with the above numbers and see what GBR thinks about it
5.perhaps George Buchanan of Gartincaber and Elizabeth Leckie
6.perhaps John Buchanan of Blairlusk-x-unknown
7.perhaps George Buchanan, married Elizabeth Mayne
8.said to be Thomas Buchanan
9.Unknown first name Buchanan
10.John Buchanan married Jane Russell � �
11.James Buchanan married Elizxabeth Speer
12.James Buchanan 15th President of the USA
In his book on the USA Presidents page 190 he gives an _unproven_ line to Robert III, King of Scots, and the line does not go via Murdoch Sterwart, Duke of Albany
In Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain, The Kingdom in Scotland, two entries for Buchanan families can be found.
The first is the family of Sir Andrew George Buchanan, 5th Baronet, born 1937, but his family is recorded from about 1700 onwards.
�The second family, Carrick-Buchanan, has a for me infuriating beginning
Alexander Buchanan, 5th in descent from John of Leny, 3rd son of John, Buchanan of That Ilk, Laird of Buchanan, in the 15th century, had issue etc.
My question is: Does anyone know who the children were of Sir Walter Buchanan of That Ilk and his wife Isabel Stewart? �
With many thanks.
Leo van de Pas,
Canberra, Australia