Edward Balliol
(too old to reply)
Will Johnson
2021-09-29 16:24:16 UTC

"Edward was the eldest son of John Balliol and Isabella de Warenne. As a child, Edward was betrothed to Isabelle of Valois, the eldest daughter of Charles Count of Valois(1271-1325) and his first wife Marguerite of Anjou(1273-1299). His father John resigned his title as King of Scotland in 1296, and it was likely this, that caused the King of France to break the marriage contract, and betroth Isabelle now to John son of Arthur, Duke of Brittany. "

Is there any contemporary evidence, for why the original marriage contract to Edward was broken or ignored ?
Peter Stewart
2021-09-29 22:49:15 UTC
Post by Will Johnson
"Edward was the eldest son of John Balliol and Isabella de Warenne. As a child, Edward was betrothed to Isabelle of Valois, the eldest daughter of Charles Count of Valois(1271-1325) and his first wife Marguerite of Anjou(1273-1299). His father John resigned his title as King of Scotland in 1296, and it was likely this, that caused the King of France to break the marriage contract, and betroth Isabelle now to John son of Arthur, Duke of Brittany."
Is there any contemporary evidence, for why the original marriage contract to Edward was broken or ignored ?
The betrothal was part of a treaty agreed in October 1295 between the
kings of France (the girl's paternal uncle) and Scotland (Edward's
father), and the prospective bride was not named in it, just "a daughter
of my brother" ("filiam germani nostri" - Charles of Valois had two or
three daughters born by that time, and although presumably the one in
question would have been understood as the eldest, Isabelle, this was
not explicit).

The treaty, including this matrimonial aspect, would obviously not
remain binding after John abdicated in the summer of 1296. The text is
given in Bower's 'Scotichronicon'.

Peter Stewart
Peter Stewart
2021-09-29 23:06:00 UTC
Post by Peter Stewart
Post by Will Johnson
"Edward was the eldest son of John Balliol and Isabella de Warenne. As
a child, Edward was betrothed to Isabelle of Valois, the eldest
daughter of Charles Count of Valois(1271-1325) and his first wife
Marguerite of Anjou(1273-1299). His father John resigned his title as
King of Scotland in 1296, and it was likely this, that caused the King
of France to break the marriage contract, and betroth Isabelle now to
John son of Arthur, Duke of Brittany."
Is there any contemporary evidence, for why the original marriage
contract to Edward was broken or ignored ?
The betrothal was part of a treaty agreed in October 1295 between the
kings of France (the girl's paternal uncle) and Scotland (Edward's
father), and the prospective bride was not named in it, just "a daughter
of my brother" ("filiam germani nostri" - Charles of Valois had two or
three daughters born by that time, and although presumably the one in
question would have been understood as the eldest, Isabelle, this was
not explicit).
Apologies, I should have looked further - a fuller text of the treaty is
printed in *Foedera*, specifying the eldest daughter of Charles ("J.
primogenitam filiam germani nostri"). J. here should be read as I.,
indicating Isabelle the eldest daughter rather than Jeanne the second
(who became the mother of Edward III's wife Philippa of Hainaut).

Peter Stewart
