re. Which Everard Digby was the father of Sir John Digby (d. 1533) of Eye-Kettleby?
(too old to reply)
2003-10-20 19:32:34 UTC
Back in August of this year John Higgins posted a query to this list asking
for help in pinning down which Everard Digby was the father of Sir Simon Digby
of Coleshill (d. 1519). As far as I can determine, no repsonse was posted to
the list. My question is similar in that I'm trying to determine which of
these same Everard Digbys was the father of Sir John Digby of Eye-Kettleby (d.
1533). Depending on the source, Sir John Digby of Eye-Kettleby was
(apparently) either the brother or uncle of Sir Simon Digby of Coleshill. VCH
Rutland (pp. 223-224)indicates that Simon (a.k.a.) Everard Digby, M.P., was
killed in 1461 at Towton and that he was married to Agnes Clarke. Their son
is identified as the Everard Digby (d. 1509) who married Jacquetta Ellis/Ellys
(d. 1496), daughter of the somewhat mysterious Sir John Ellis/Ellys "of
Devonshire." Wedgwood (p. 223) identifies the M.P. as Sir Everard Digby (1410-
1461) and states that he was killed at Towton and that he was married to
Jacquetta Ellis/Ellys. The 1619 Visitation of Rutland identifies Sir John
Digby of Eye-Kettleby as the son of Sir Everard Digby of Tilton and Jacquetta
Ellis/Ellys and the grandson of Sir Simon or Everard Digby and his wife Agnes
Clarke. Finally, according to Eric Acheson's *A Gentry Community:
Leicestershire in the Fifteenth Century, ca. 1422-c.1485* (Cambridge
University Press, 1992: 185, 226-227), Everard Digby I (the M.P.) was married
to Agnes Clarke (with whom he had "at least" six sons and one daughter) and
died in the battle of Towton in 1461, and Everard Digby II (d. 1509) was one
of those six sons. Acheson indicates that Everard II and his wife Jacquetta
Ellys had two sons (and four daughters) and that one of the two sons was named

Can anyone on the list sort out which Everard Digby died in 1461 and which
died in 1509 and which of them was the father of Sir John Digby (d. 1533) of


Jeff Duvall
John Higgins
2003-10-21 00:42:44 UTC
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