Brian Hessick
2013-08-03 19:27:36 UTC
I start this topic with this picture:
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It is of John Treherne, gentleman porter to King James I, with the parish of St. Saviour, Southwark, Surrey.
Under the monument was formerly a gravestone that stated, "...body rest of John Traherne, that served Queen Elizabeth, and died chief gentleman porter to King James, the 22nd day of October, Anno Dom. 1618. Here also rests Margaret the wife of the said John Traherne, who lived together man and wife 50 years, and died the 22 of January Anno Dom. 1645. here also lies John Traherne, eldest son of the said John and Margaret, who died chief clerk of the kitchen to king James I, 22nd of August, Anno Dom. 1645." (Annals of Saint Mary Overy, pg. 95)
I believe that the original transcriber misread the dates of Margaret's and John Jr.'s death by giving their death date as 1645, but in the will of John Treherne Sr. written in 1618, both his wife and son predecease him. It would seem most likely that the transcription read 1615 rather than 1645
The part I find interesting is the wife's coat of arms; it is of Parry. And considering the influence of Blanche Parry, I believe that Margaret was of close relation. Any thoughts to Who Margaret Parry could be?
Forewarning, this will is a bit wonky and doesn't reveal many clues towards the past.
PROB 11/132/429
The will of John Treherne, Chief Porter of the Gates, of St. Saviour Southwark, Surrey, written 24 July 1618, and proven 28 October 1618.
In the name of God Amen, the 24th day of July Anno Domini 1618 and in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord James by the Grace of God King of England, France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc. the 16th and of Scotland the 51st, I John TREHERNE gentleman, Porter of our said Sovereign Lord his Majesties Gates, and now dwelling in the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark in the county of Surrey, being somewhat weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, laud and praise be therefor given to Almighty God, and calling to mind the uncertainty and morality of this present life, and that it appertains to every Christian man before their departure out of this present world as God shall give him grace, to set due order in worldly things, and (as much as sin them is) to foresee and provide that after their decease, no controversy, suit, or trouble should ensue for the same do therefore make, ordain, and declare this my present testament, containing herein my last will in manner and form following, that is to say, first and before all things I do willingly with a free heart commend, render, and give again into the hands of my Lord my God my spirit which he of his fatherly goodness gave me, when he fashioned this my body in my mother’s womb, by this means making me a living creature, nothing doubting but this my Lord God, for his mercy sake set forth in the precious blood of Jesus Christ my savior and redeemer will receive my soul into his glory and place it amongst the company of the heavenly angels and blessed saints, and concerning my body, even with a good will and a free heart I give it over commending it to the earth whereof it came nothing doubting but that according to the article of our faith at the great day and general resurrection when we shall appear before the judgment seat of Christ Jesus I shall receive it again by the mighty power of God wherewith his able to subdue all things to himself not a corruptible mortal weak and vile body (as it is now) but an incorruptible, immortal, strong, perfect and in all things like unto the glorious body of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and the same my vile and mortal body I will to be buried in the parish church of the parish of St. Saviour aforesaid as near as conveniently may be to the place where my wife and my son John TREHERN do lie buried, and also I will that there shall be a sermon made on the day of my burial within the parish church aforesaid by some godly and learned preacher and I give and bequeath unto him for his pains then to be taken apiece of gold of 22s. Item I will that all such debts and duties as I shall owe in right or conscience to any person or persons at the time of my decease be well and truly contented and paid within convenient time after my decease by my execs hereafter named. And touching my funeral charges and the manner thereof I refer the same wholly to be don and performed in such decent and fit manner as by my execs shall be thought fit at their discretion and after my debts paid and my funeral expenses discharged I give and dispose of all the residue of my goods, chattels, rights, credits, and debts in manner and form following vizt. first I give to an amongst the poor people dwelling within the Liberty of the Clink in or near Southwark in the county of Surrey, £8 of lawful money of England, and to the poor people of the liberty of the upper ground the sum of 40s, and to the poor people of the borough side of the parish aforesaid and of the liberty where I now dwell, the sum of £20, the same several sums to be distributed to and amongst such of the said poor people respectively, as shall be then known to be in most want and to fear God at the discretions of my execs hereafter named and of the collectors and two other of the substantial men of the said liberties receptively. Item I give and bequeath to my grandchild John TREHERNE the eldest son of my son John TREHERNE deceased, all that my great messuage or tenement with the appurtenances wherein I now dwell situated, lying, and being in the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark aforesaid, and also all those my lands, tenements, yards, entries, and hereditaments with their appurtenances situated, lying, and being on Bermondsey Street in the parish of St. Olave in Southwark aforesaid in or near an alley there called or known by the name of the Three Naked Boys Alley, and also all the wainscot, ceilings, settles, and all other fixed implements to me belonging in and about the said great messuage, tenements, hereditaments, and other the premises and in and about any pat thereof to have and to hold the said great messuage or tenement, lands tenements, hereditaments, wainscots, implements and all other the premises to the said John TREHERNE my grandchild and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and to begotten, and for default of such issue the remainder thereof to my grandchild Leonard TREHERNE one other of the sons of my said son John TREHERNE deceased, and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten and for default of such issue the remainder of the one moiety of the said great messuage and of all other the premises with their appurtenances I give and bequeath to Christopher GRIFFIN and Treherne GRIFFIN two of the sons of my daughter Anne GRIFFIN, equally between them, and to the heirs of the bodies of the said Christopher GRIFFIN and Treherne GRIFFIN or of the body of the survivor of them lawfully begotten, and to be begotten, and for want of such issue to the right heirs of me the said John TREHERNE forever, and the remainder of the other moiety of the said great messuage and of all other the premises with their appurtenances for want of such issues of the bodies of the said John and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren, or of the body of one of them lawfully begotten, I give and bequeath to William HARRIS and John DRAPER two of the sons of my daughter Sara now wife of William IREMONDER gentleman, equally between them, and to the heirs of the bodies of the said William HARRIS and John DRAPER and of the body of the survivor of them lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and for want of such issue to the right heirs of me the said John TREHERNE forever, provided always that if the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or either of them or any heir or heirs of the body or bodies of them or either of them lawfully begotten, shall at anytime hereafter doe commit assent unto procure or suffer to be done any act or thing or advisedly and effectually practice or go about to do, commit, procure, or suffer to be done any act or acts, thing or things, be it by fine, recovery, or by any other devise in the law whatsoever whereby or by means whereof the several moieties of the said great messuages and other the premises respectively limited to the said Christopher GRIFFIN, Treherne GRIFFIN, William HARRIS and John DRAPER severally and respectively as aforesaid according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will, then I will that this my devise and bequest to the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE made as aforesaid, of and concerning so much of the premises and whereof any such act devise or thing shall be so committed done or suffered, assented unto, practiced, or gone about contrary to the true meaning of this my will shall be utterly void as against him or them of the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE his or their heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten that shall see, do, commit, suffer to be done, assent unto, practice or go about any such act or thing as aforesaid contrary to the true meaning of this my will, and then I give the same messuage, lands, and tenements for which or whereof any such act or dives shall be done committed suffered assented unto practiced or gone about to be done as aforesaid to the said Christopher GRIFFIN, Treherne GRIFFIN, William HARRIS, and John DRAPER and to their heirs equally and respectively between them as aforesaid anything in this my present last will contained to the contrary notwithstanding, provided also and my will and meaning is that for the better raising of a stock for the said John TREHERNE my grandchild to be paid unto him when he shall accomplish his age of 21 years life he so long live or he being dead before his age of 21 years, then for the said Leonard TREHERNE if he survive the said John TREHERNE his brother, at his age of 21 years (if he so long live) which shall first happen, my said son-in-law William IREMONGER and Sara his wife and their assigns shall have the use occupation letting and setting of the said great messuage only with the appurtenances wherein I now dwell in the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark aforesaid by me devised among of other things in tail to my said grandchild John TREHERNE as aforesaid and receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof to their own use, during and until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE or one of them shall first accomplish the age of 21 years so always and upon condition that my said son-in-law William IREMONDER and Sara his wife or the survivor of them do and shall within the space of three months next after my decease become bound to my overseers hereafter named or to the survivors or survivor of them by obligation in such a reasonable penalty as by my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall be thought fit, with condition to give, allow, and pay to such of my said grandchildren John and Leonard TREHERNE as shall be first accomplish his age of 21 years at his said age of 21 years or within three months then next following, so much lawful money of England in one gross sum or the use and occupation of the said great messuage with the appurtenances devised in tail amongst other things to the said John TREHERNE my grandchild as every year, and for so much time ratably as then shall be run out and expired to be accounted from the time of my decease until the time that the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years together with allowance after the rate of £10 per annum upon £100 to be added every year to the said yearly rent o £20 until the said John TREHERN or the said Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 year, the same obligation and the condition thereof to be drawn and devised by my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them according to the true meaning of this my will so near as maybe and if the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or the survivor of them shall refuse to become bound as aforesaid, then my will is that my overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall have the use and occupation letting and setting of the said great messuage with the appurtenances and receive and take the rents and profits thereof to their own use during and until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years, the said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them entering into bond for paying and allowing such rent and profit for stock and increase thereof and in such manner as the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife should have done if they had entered into the said obligation and performed the contents of this my will touching the same and if both the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren shall happen to die before one of them shall accomplish the full age of 21 years, then I will that the said £20 per annum and the allowance after the rate of £10 per centum upon every £100 as aforesaid shall be by the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or by my overseers (in hose hands the same shall be) paid and divide to and amongst all and every of my grandchildren of my son John TREHERNE and of my daughters Anne and Sara that shall be then living equally part and portion like, and my further will intent and meaning is that the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or the survivor of them or my overseers or such of them as shall have the use and occupation of my said great messuage with the appurtenances by the true meaning of this my will shall from time to time at their proper costs and charges keep the same in good reparations and so leave the same sufficiently repaired to such person or persons to whom the same shall come by the limitation and true meaning of this my will provided further and my further will and meaning is that for the raising of further stock for the said John TREHERNE my grandchild, to be paid to him when he shall accomplish his age of 21 years if he so long live, or he being dead before his said age, then for the said Leonard TREHERNE (if he survive the said John TREHERNE his brother) at his age of 21 years (if he so long live, which shall first happen) my said son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife and the survivor of them and the assignees of the survivor of them, shall have receive and take to their own use, all and every the rents issues and profits of all and every those my said lands, tenements, yards, entrees, and hereditaments with their appurtenances situated and being on Bermondsey Street in the parish of St. Olave in Southwark aforesaid in or near an alley there called or known by the name of the Three Naked boys Alley, by me devised amongst other things in tail to my said grandchild John TREHERNE as aforesaid, during and until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years, so always and upon condition that the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or the survivor of them do and shall within the space of three months next after my decease become bound to my overseers hereafter named or to the survivors or survivor of them by obligation in such reasonable penalty as by my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall be thought fit, with condition to give allow and pay to such of my said grandchildren John and Leonard TREHERNE as shall first accomplish his age of 21 years at his said age of 21 years or within three months then next following so much lawful money of England in one gross sum for the rents and profits of the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the parish of St. Olave in Southwark aforesaid as the same shall amount unto after the rate of £30 rent per annum for every year and for sometime ratably as then shall be run out and expired to be accounted form the time of my decease until the time that the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years, together with allowance after the rate of £10 per annum upon £100 to be added every year to the said yearly rent of £30 until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall accomplish his age of 21 year, the same obligation and the condition the condition thereof to be drawn and devised by my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them according to the true meaning of this my will so near as maybe, and if the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or the survivor of them shall refuse to become bound as aforesaid, then my will is that my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall have received and take the rents issues and profits of the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the parish of St. Olave aforesaid to their own use during and until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall accomplish his age of 21 years the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or the survivor of them should have done if they or either of them had entered into the said obligation and performance the contents of this my will touching the same, and if both the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren shall fortune to die before one of them shall accomplish the full age of 21 years, then I will that the £30 per annum and the allowance after the rate of £10 per centum upon every £100 as aforesaid shall be by the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or by my overseers in whose hands the same shall be and remain paid and divided to and amongst all and every of my grandchildren of my son John TREHERNE and of my daughters Anne and Sara which shall be then living equally part and portion like. Item I give and bequeath to the said Christopher GRIFFIN my grandchild and his assignees, all my lease, estate, interest, term of year, claim, and demand which I have or ought to have yet to come of in and to all and every those lands and tenements with their appurtenances which I hold by lease on Pincock Lane in or near St. Nicholas Shambles in London. Item I give and bequeath to the said Treherne GRIFFIN my grandchild and his assignees, all the lease estate interest, term of years, claim, and demand whatsoever which I have or ought to have yet to come of in and to a certain tenement or house commonly called the Horseshoe with the appurtenances and of and in and to all the tenements thereto adjoining or belonging, situated on the bankside in the parish of St. Saviour aforesaid which was sometime belonging to one Gilbert ROCKETT. Item I give and bequeath to the foresaid Christopher GRIFFIN and his assignees, all my lease estate, title, interest, term of years, reversion, claim, and demand which I have or may have of in and to a certain messuage or tenement with a garden and orchard thereunto belonging with the appurtenances situated, lying, and being in the parish of Challock in the county of Kent and of in and to a close of land and pasture containing by estimation 4 acres, by form of a lease or letter patent under the great seal of England, bearing date at Westminster the 28th day of September in the 41st year of the reign of our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth thereof (amongst other things) made and granted by our said late queen to me the said John TREHERNE and to one Thomas LAKE gentleman, for the term of 60 years, not yet commenced and by force or virtue of one indenture of assignment to me thereof made by the said Thomas LAKE, or otherwise by any other title that I hold the same howsoever. Item I give and bequeath to my said grandchild Leonard TREHERNE, the sum of £600 to be paid to him at his age of 21 years, and to my grandchild Mary TREHERNE one of the sisters of the said Leonard, the sum of £200 to be paid to her at her marriage or at her age of 21 years which shall first happen, and to my grandchild Anne TREHERNE one other of the sisters of the said Leonard TREHERNE the sum of £200 to be paid her at her age of 21 years or marriage which of them so ever shall first happen, and if it shall happen any of my said grandchildren Leonard, Mary or Anne TREHERNE, to depart this mortal life before such time as he or she or they shall have received his her or their said legacies according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will, then I will that the legacy and legacies of him, her, or them so dying shall remain and be paid to the survivor or survivors of them equally between them and my will and meaning is and I will and devise that my execs hereafter named shall be have the custody and keeping use and employment of the said several legacies by me lastly devised as aforesaid to my said three grandchildren Leonard, Mary, and Anne TREHERNE during and until the same shall grow due and payable by the same grandchildren severally and respectively according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will, so as my said execs do and shall be within the space of six months next after my decease become bound with sureties sufficient to my overseers or to the survivors or survivor of them by obligation in such a penalty as my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall think reasonable for payment of the said several legacies of £600 and £200 and £200 ratably proportionally and respectively as aforesaid and according to the true intent meaning and limitation of this my will before declared together with allowance of £6 per annum upon every £100 of the same legacies to be paid with the same legacies ratably severally and respectively when the same legacies shall grow due and payable as aforesaid without fraud or covin, and if my execs shall deny and refuse and shall not become bound as aforesaid, then I will that my said execs (upon such denial and refusal and not entering into bond as aforesaid) shall pay to my overseers or to the survivors of them the said legacies of £600, £200, and £200 to be by my said overseers or the survivors of them delivered to sum of the twelve companies of the city of London with as much convenient speed as they can after the receipt thereof upon good security by them to be taken of such company to the use of my said grandchildren respectively for payment of the said legacies and allowance of £6 per centum per annum as aforesaid ratably and proportionally when the same legacies shall grow due and payable severally and respectively as aforesaid, or otherwise if my overseers or the survivors of them cannot conveniently deliver the said legacies as aforesaid, then I do request and desire my said overseers or the survivors of them to keep in their hand the same legacies of £600, £200, and £200 and to use and employ the same, and to enter into bond with sufficient sureties to my said execs for payment of the same legacies and for allowance of £6 per centum per annum for every £100 thereof in such like sort and manner (mutatis mutandis) as my execs should have done by the true meaning of this my will if they had kept and employed the same legacies and entered into bond for the same as is before declared. Item I give and bequeath to the children of my son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN and of my daughter Anne his wife, hereafter named these several legacies following viz. to Christopher GRIFFIN £100, to be paid to him within six months next after my decease to Treherne GRIFFIN, £150 and to Joyce GRIFFIN £150, all which several legacies by me severally given to the said children of my son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife as aforesaid (except the said legacy to Christopher GRIFFIN) I will shall be paid to them and every of them severally and respectively as follows vizt to the said Treherne GRIFFIN his legacies at his age of 21 years and to the said daughters of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife their legacies at their several ages of 21 years or marriage which shall first happen, and if it shall happen any of the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife, being in their minorities, to depart this mortal life before such time as he she or they shall severally and respectively have received his her or their legacies as aforesaid, then my meaning is and I will and devise that the legacy and legacies of him her or them so lying shall remain to the survivors and survivor of the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife equally, provided all ways and my further meaning is and I will and devise that if my said son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN (if he be living) or he being dead, if the said Anne my daughter shall within the space of one year next after my decease, become bound to my overseers hereafter named or to such other person or persons as they or the survivors of them shall name and appoint by obligation in a reasonable penalty such as my said overseers shall think fit for payment of the several legacies aforesaid to the same children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife, severally and respectively at the several times herein before limited for payment thereof, that then the said Edward or Anne on being such bond as aforesaid shall have the custody of the said legacies to the children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne devised as aforesaid during and until the same shall severally and respectively grow due to the said children according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will for the better maintenance and education of the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife during their minorities and in default of such bond my will and meaning is that the several sums of by me given to the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife shall be by my execs paid unto and remain in the hands of my overseers or the survivors of them until the times of payment thereof herein severally and respectively limited as before said, they entering such bond for paying and allowing for the same to the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or to the survivor of them for and towards the maintenance of the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife after the rate of £6 per centum yearly for every £100 thereof severally and respectively as aforesaid. Item I give to my grandchild William HARRIS son of my said daughter SARA by her first husband William HARRIS the sum of £150, to be paid to him within six months next after my decease. Item I give to the children of my late son-in-law Henry DRAPER and of the said Sara late his wife hereafter named these several legacies following vizt to Sara DRAPER £150, to John DRAPER £100, to Henry DRAPER £100, to Rebecca DRAPER £100, to Edward DRAPER £100, and to Thomas DRAPER £150, all which legacies by me severally given as aforesaid to the children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara his late wife I will shall be paid to them and every of them severally and respectively as follows vizt. To the sons their legacies at their several ages of 21 years, and to the daughters their legacies at their several ages of 21 years or marriage which shall first happen and if it shall fortune any of the said children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara his late wife to depart this mortal life before such time as he, she, or they shall severally or respectively have received his, her, or their legacies as aforesaid, then my meaning is and I will and devise that the legacy and legacies of him, her, or them so dying shall remain to the survivors or survivor of them equally provided also and my further meaning is and I will and devise that if my son-in-law William IREMONGER now the husband of my said daughter Sara, if he be living or he being dead, if the said Sara my daughter shall within the space of one year next after my decease become bond to my overseers hereafter named or to such other person or persons as they or the survivors of them shall name and appoint by obligation in a reasonable penalty such as my said overseers shall think fit for payment of the several legacies aforesaid to the said children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara his late wife severally and respectively at the time before limited for payment thereof that then the said William IREMONGER or Sara (entering such bond as aforesaid) shall have the custody of the said legacies herein before given to the children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara as aforesaid during and until the same the same shall severally and respectively grow due to the said children according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will for the better maintenance and education of the said children of the said Henry DRAPER during their minorities and in default of such bonds my will and meaning is that the several sums by me given to the said children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara as aforesaid, shall by my execs be paid unto and remain in the hands of my overseers or the survivors of them until the times of payment thereof herein severally and respectively limited as aforesaid, they entering such bonds for the payment and allowing for the same to the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or to the survivor of them for and towards the maintenance of the said children of the said henry DRAPER and Sara his late wife after the rate of £6 per centum yearly for every £100 thereof severally and respectively as aforesaid. Item I give to the churchwardens and the rest of the vestrymen of the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark aforesaid £5. Item I give and bequeath to the Right Worshipful the Company of the Cloth Workers of the city of London, whereof I am free the sum of £10 to be bestowed upon apiece of plate for the said company and my name to be engraved therein. Item I give to my late servant Eleanor COOKE, £10. Item I give to my loving friend and countryman John GREENE scrivener, £5. Item I give to William IREMONER, son of my said son-in-law William IREMONGER and of my daughter Sara his wife, the sum of £100, the residue of all and singular my goods, chattels, rights, credits, and debts after my debts paid my funeral expenses discharged and the legacies in this my present last will contained fully satisfied, I wholly give devise and bequeath to my said daughters Anne GRIFFIN and Sara IREMONGER equally between them to be divided pat and portions like, and I make and ordain my said son-in-laws Edward GRIFFIN and William IREMONGER the sole and only execs of this my present last will and testament, praying them to agree well and lovingly together and to be careful in the due payment and performance of the gifts and legacies and of all other the matters and things herein contained according to my true meaning so near as they came as I do especially trust them, and as they will answer the contrary before God upon their souls, and for the better assistance of my said execs in the execution hereof I name ordain and appoint the said John GREENE and my loving friends and neighbor George PAYNE and Richard YARWOODE the overseers of this my will, and I give to everyone of my said overseers for their pains to be taken therein a mourning cloak of black cloth, and I do utterly renounce, revoke, and disannul all former wills, testaments, gifts, legacies, devises, and bequeaths execs and overseers by me heretofore made, named, devised, limited or bequeathed, other then such as are mentioned and contained n this my present last will and testament, and I will that this my testament shall stand for, and be my very last will and testament. Item I give and bequeath to 60 poor men to accompany my body to the grave on the day of my burial each of them a gown of black cloth. Item I do declare that my daughters Anne and Sara are and were advanced by me ooth [sic] portions given in marriage ooth [sic] them to their husbands, and therefore my meaning is that their husbands and every of them shall be excluded of all parts and portions of my goods and chattels which, by the custom of the city of London, they or either of them might challenge if they were not content. And I will that if the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or either of them or any other in the right of the said Anne shall seek for or demand any part or portion of or in my goods, chattels, or debts by virtue or color of the said custom, then I will that all and every the gifts, legacies, and bequeaths herein devised or bequeathed by me to the said Edward and Anne or either of them, and their children shall be void and of none effect and then I give the same legacies to the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife and to the children of the said Sara and I further will that if the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or either of them or any other in the right of the said Sara shall seek for or demand any part or portion of or in my goods, chattels, or debts by virtue or color of the said costume, then I will that all and every the gifts and legacies bequeathed herein given, devised or bequeathed by me to the said William IREMONGER and Sara or either of them and to the children of the said Sara shall be void and of none effect, and then I give the same legacies to the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife and to the children of the said Anne, anything in this my present last will contained to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness whereof I have to the last leaf of this my will containing in the whole sixteen leaves set my seal and subscribed my mark and to one label fixed through all the same leaves and through one waste leave. I have also set my seal the day and year first above written, the mark of John TREHERNE. Sealed, published, pronounced, and delivered by the said John TREHERNE, the day of the date hereof as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, Thomas SUTTON, Richard WRIGHT, Francis WINTON, John GREENE scrivener, and Arthur JUXON
A codicil to be annexed to the last will and testament of me, John TREHERNE. Whereas I have devised and appointed in my last will bearing date the 24th day of July Anno Domini 1618, that my son-in-law William IREMONGER and Sara his wife shall have the use and occupation of my messuage or house wherein I now dwell until my grandchildren John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years allowing for the same £20 per annum as in my will is mentioned I do by this my codicil will and devise that my son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN and his wife or the survivor of them shall have his or their continuance and abode at and in the said messuage with free engross aggress and regress into and from the same together with the said William IROEMONGER and Sara his wife until they shall have parted and demanded the goods and estate between them remaining in my said house and elsewhere according to the true meaning of my said will anything in my said will contained to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my mark the 6th day of September Anno Domini 1618, the mark of John TREHERNE. Subscribed in the presence of us John GREENE scrivener, Phillip POWLE
The above written testament with codicil was proved at London before Master Edmund POPE Doctor of Laws, surrogate of the very worshipful Sir John BENNET knight also Doctor of Laws, lawfully constituted Master, Keeper, or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 28th day of October 1618, by the oaths of Edward GRIFFIN and William IREMONGER appointed execs in the same testament, to whom were granted administration of all and singular the goods, chattels, and debts of the said deceased, sworn on the Holy Gospels in due form of law to well and faithfully administer the same. Examined.
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It is of John Treherne, gentleman porter to King James I, with the parish of St. Saviour, Southwark, Surrey.
Under the monument was formerly a gravestone that stated, "...body rest of John Traherne, that served Queen Elizabeth, and died chief gentleman porter to King James, the 22nd day of October, Anno Dom. 1618. Here also rests Margaret the wife of the said John Traherne, who lived together man and wife 50 years, and died the 22 of January Anno Dom. 1645. here also lies John Traherne, eldest son of the said John and Margaret, who died chief clerk of the kitchen to king James I, 22nd of August, Anno Dom. 1645." (Annals of Saint Mary Overy, pg. 95)
I believe that the original transcriber misread the dates of Margaret's and John Jr.'s death by giving their death date as 1645, but in the will of John Treherne Sr. written in 1618, both his wife and son predecease him. It would seem most likely that the transcription read 1615 rather than 1645
The part I find interesting is the wife's coat of arms; it is of Parry. And considering the influence of Blanche Parry, I believe that Margaret was of close relation. Any thoughts to Who Margaret Parry could be?
Forewarning, this will is a bit wonky and doesn't reveal many clues towards the past.
PROB 11/132/429
The will of John Treherne, Chief Porter of the Gates, of St. Saviour Southwark, Surrey, written 24 July 1618, and proven 28 October 1618.
In the name of God Amen, the 24th day of July Anno Domini 1618 and in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord James by the Grace of God King of England, France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc. the 16th and of Scotland the 51st, I John TREHERNE gentleman, Porter of our said Sovereign Lord his Majesties Gates, and now dwelling in the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark in the county of Surrey, being somewhat weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, laud and praise be therefor given to Almighty God, and calling to mind the uncertainty and morality of this present life, and that it appertains to every Christian man before their departure out of this present world as God shall give him grace, to set due order in worldly things, and (as much as sin them is) to foresee and provide that after their decease, no controversy, suit, or trouble should ensue for the same do therefore make, ordain, and declare this my present testament, containing herein my last will in manner and form following, that is to say, first and before all things I do willingly with a free heart commend, render, and give again into the hands of my Lord my God my spirit which he of his fatherly goodness gave me, when he fashioned this my body in my mother’s womb, by this means making me a living creature, nothing doubting but this my Lord God, for his mercy sake set forth in the precious blood of Jesus Christ my savior and redeemer will receive my soul into his glory and place it amongst the company of the heavenly angels and blessed saints, and concerning my body, even with a good will and a free heart I give it over commending it to the earth whereof it came nothing doubting but that according to the article of our faith at the great day and general resurrection when we shall appear before the judgment seat of Christ Jesus I shall receive it again by the mighty power of God wherewith his able to subdue all things to himself not a corruptible mortal weak and vile body (as it is now) but an incorruptible, immortal, strong, perfect and in all things like unto the glorious body of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and the same my vile and mortal body I will to be buried in the parish church of the parish of St. Saviour aforesaid as near as conveniently may be to the place where my wife and my son John TREHERN do lie buried, and also I will that there shall be a sermon made on the day of my burial within the parish church aforesaid by some godly and learned preacher and I give and bequeath unto him for his pains then to be taken apiece of gold of 22s. Item I will that all such debts and duties as I shall owe in right or conscience to any person or persons at the time of my decease be well and truly contented and paid within convenient time after my decease by my execs hereafter named. And touching my funeral charges and the manner thereof I refer the same wholly to be don and performed in such decent and fit manner as by my execs shall be thought fit at their discretion and after my debts paid and my funeral expenses discharged I give and dispose of all the residue of my goods, chattels, rights, credits, and debts in manner and form following vizt. first I give to an amongst the poor people dwelling within the Liberty of the Clink in or near Southwark in the county of Surrey, £8 of lawful money of England, and to the poor people of the liberty of the upper ground the sum of 40s, and to the poor people of the borough side of the parish aforesaid and of the liberty where I now dwell, the sum of £20, the same several sums to be distributed to and amongst such of the said poor people respectively, as shall be then known to be in most want and to fear God at the discretions of my execs hereafter named and of the collectors and two other of the substantial men of the said liberties receptively. Item I give and bequeath to my grandchild John TREHERNE the eldest son of my son John TREHERNE deceased, all that my great messuage or tenement with the appurtenances wherein I now dwell situated, lying, and being in the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark aforesaid, and also all those my lands, tenements, yards, entries, and hereditaments with their appurtenances situated, lying, and being on Bermondsey Street in the parish of St. Olave in Southwark aforesaid in or near an alley there called or known by the name of the Three Naked Boys Alley, and also all the wainscot, ceilings, settles, and all other fixed implements to me belonging in and about the said great messuage, tenements, hereditaments, and other the premises and in and about any pat thereof to have and to hold the said great messuage or tenement, lands tenements, hereditaments, wainscots, implements and all other the premises to the said John TREHERNE my grandchild and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and to begotten, and for default of such issue the remainder thereof to my grandchild Leonard TREHERNE one other of the sons of my said son John TREHERNE deceased, and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten and for default of such issue the remainder of the one moiety of the said great messuage and of all other the premises with their appurtenances I give and bequeath to Christopher GRIFFIN and Treherne GRIFFIN two of the sons of my daughter Anne GRIFFIN, equally between them, and to the heirs of the bodies of the said Christopher GRIFFIN and Treherne GRIFFIN or of the body of the survivor of them lawfully begotten, and to be begotten, and for want of such issue to the right heirs of me the said John TREHERNE forever, and the remainder of the other moiety of the said great messuage and of all other the premises with their appurtenances for want of such issues of the bodies of the said John and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren, or of the body of one of them lawfully begotten, I give and bequeath to William HARRIS and John DRAPER two of the sons of my daughter Sara now wife of William IREMONDER gentleman, equally between them, and to the heirs of the bodies of the said William HARRIS and John DRAPER and of the body of the survivor of them lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and for want of such issue to the right heirs of me the said John TREHERNE forever, provided always that if the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or either of them or any heir or heirs of the body or bodies of them or either of them lawfully begotten, shall at anytime hereafter doe commit assent unto procure or suffer to be done any act or thing or advisedly and effectually practice or go about to do, commit, procure, or suffer to be done any act or acts, thing or things, be it by fine, recovery, or by any other devise in the law whatsoever whereby or by means whereof the several moieties of the said great messuages and other the premises respectively limited to the said Christopher GRIFFIN, Treherne GRIFFIN, William HARRIS and John DRAPER severally and respectively as aforesaid according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will, then I will that this my devise and bequest to the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE made as aforesaid, of and concerning so much of the premises and whereof any such act devise or thing shall be so committed done or suffered, assented unto, practiced, or gone about contrary to the true meaning of this my will shall be utterly void as against him or them of the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE his or their heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten that shall see, do, commit, suffer to be done, assent unto, practice or go about any such act or thing as aforesaid contrary to the true meaning of this my will, and then I give the same messuage, lands, and tenements for which or whereof any such act or dives shall be done committed suffered assented unto practiced or gone about to be done as aforesaid to the said Christopher GRIFFIN, Treherne GRIFFIN, William HARRIS, and John DRAPER and to their heirs equally and respectively between them as aforesaid anything in this my present last will contained to the contrary notwithstanding, provided also and my will and meaning is that for the better raising of a stock for the said John TREHERNE my grandchild to be paid unto him when he shall accomplish his age of 21 years life he so long live or he being dead before his age of 21 years, then for the said Leonard TREHERNE if he survive the said John TREHERNE his brother, at his age of 21 years (if he so long live) which shall first happen, my said son-in-law William IREMONGER and Sara his wife and their assigns shall have the use occupation letting and setting of the said great messuage only with the appurtenances wherein I now dwell in the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark aforesaid by me devised among of other things in tail to my said grandchild John TREHERNE as aforesaid and receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof to their own use, during and until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE or one of them shall first accomplish the age of 21 years so always and upon condition that my said son-in-law William IREMONDER and Sara his wife or the survivor of them do and shall within the space of three months next after my decease become bound to my overseers hereafter named or to the survivors or survivor of them by obligation in such a reasonable penalty as by my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall be thought fit, with condition to give, allow, and pay to such of my said grandchildren John and Leonard TREHERNE as shall be first accomplish his age of 21 years at his said age of 21 years or within three months then next following, so much lawful money of England in one gross sum or the use and occupation of the said great messuage with the appurtenances devised in tail amongst other things to the said John TREHERNE my grandchild as every year, and for so much time ratably as then shall be run out and expired to be accounted from the time of my decease until the time that the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years together with allowance after the rate of £10 per annum upon £100 to be added every year to the said yearly rent o £20 until the said John TREHERN or the said Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 year, the same obligation and the condition thereof to be drawn and devised by my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them according to the true meaning of this my will so near as maybe and if the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or the survivor of them shall refuse to become bound as aforesaid, then my will is that my overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall have the use and occupation letting and setting of the said great messuage with the appurtenances and receive and take the rents and profits thereof to their own use during and until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years, the said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them entering into bond for paying and allowing such rent and profit for stock and increase thereof and in such manner as the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife should have done if they had entered into the said obligation and performed the contents of this my will touching the same and if both the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren shall happen to die before one of them shall accomplish the full age of 21 years, then I will that the said £20 per annum and the allowance after the rate of £10 per centum upon every £100 as aforesaid shall be by the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or by my overseers (in hose hands the same shall be) paid and divide to and amongst all and every of my grandchildren of my son John TREHERNE and of my daughters Anne and Sara that shall be then living equally part and portion like, and my further will intent and meaning is that the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or the survivor of them or my overseers or such of them as shall have the use and occupation of my said great messuage with the appurtenances by the true meaning of this my will shall from time to time at their proper costs and charges keep the same in good reparations and so leave the same sufficiently repaired to such person or persons to whom the same shall come by the limitation and true meaning of this my will provided further and my further will and meaning is that for the raising of further stock for the said John TREHERNE my grandchild, to be paid to him when he shall accomplish his age of 21 years if he so long live, or he being dead before his said age, then for the said Leonard TREHERNE (if he survive the said John TREHERNE his brother) at his age of 21 years (if he so long live, which shall first happen) my said son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife and the survivor of them and the assignees of the survivor of them, shall have receive and take to their own use, all and every the rents issues and profits of all and every those my said lands, tenements, yards, entrees, and hereditaments with their appurtenances situated and being on Bermondsey Street in the parish of St. Olave in Southwark aforesaid in or near an alley there called or known by the name of the Three Naked boys Alley, by me devised amongst other things in tail to my said grandchild John TREHERNE as aforesaid, during and until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years, so always and upon condition that the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or the survivor of them do and shall within the space of three months next after my decease become bound to my overseers hereafter named or to the survivors or survivor of them by obligation in such reasonable penalty as by my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall be thought fit, with condition to give allow and pay to such of my said grandchildren John and Leonard TREHERNE as shall first accomplish his age of 21 years at his said age of 21 years or within three months then next following so much lawful money of England in one gross sum for the rents and profits of the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the parish of St. Olave in Southwark aforesaid as the same shall amount unto after the rate of £30 rent per annum for every year and for sometime ratably as then shall be run out and expired to be accounted form the time of my decease until the time that the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years, together with allowance after the rate of £10 per annum upon £100 to be added every year to the said yearly rent of £30 until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall accomplish his age of 21 year, the same obligation and the condition the condition thereof to be drawn and devised by my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them according to the true meaning of this my will so near as maybe, and if the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or the survivor of them shall refuse to become bound as aforesaid, then my will is that my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall have received and take the rents issues and profits of the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the parish of St. Olave aforesaid to their own use during and until the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren or one of them shall accomplish his age of 21 years the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or the survivor of them should have done if they or either of them had entered into the said obligation and performance the contents of this my will touching the same, and if both the said John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE my grandchildren shall fortune to die before one of them shall accomplish the full age of 21 years, then I will that the £30 per annum and the allowance after the rate of £10 per centum upon every £100 as aforesaid shall be by the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or by my overseers in whose hands the same shall be and remain paid and divided to and amongst all and every of my grandchildren of my son John TREHERNE and of my daughters Anne and Sara which shall be then living equally part and portion like. Item I give and bequeath to the said Christopher GRIFFIN my grandchild and his assignees, all my lease, estate, interest, term of year, claim, and demand which I have or ought to have yet to come of in and to all and every those lands and tenements with their appurtenances which I hold by lease on Pincock Lane in or near St. Nicholas Shambles in London. Item I give and bequeath to the said Treherne GRIFFIN my grandchild and his assignees, all the lease estate interest, term of years, claim, and demand whatsoever which I have or ought to have yet to come of in and to a certain tenement or house commonly called the Horseshoe with the appurtenances and of and in and to all the tenements thereto adjoining or belonging, situated on the bankside in the parish of St. Saviour aforesaid which was sometime belonging to one Gilbert ROCKETT. Item I give and bequeath to the foresaid Christopher GRIFFIN and his assignees, all my lease estate, title, interest, term of years, reversion, claim, and demand which I have or may have of in and to a certain messuage or tenement with a garden and orchard thereunto belonging with the appurtenances situated, lying, and being in the parish of Challock in the county of Kent and of in and to a close of land and pasture containing by estimation 4 acres, by form of a lease or letter patent under the great seal of England, bearing date at Westminster the 28th day of September in the 41st year of the reign of our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth thereof (amongst other things) made and granted by our said late queen to me the said John TREHERNE and to one Thomas LAKE gentleman, for the term of 60 years, not yet commenced and by force or virtue of one indenture of assignment to me thereof made by the said Thomas LAKE, or otherwise by any other title that I hold the same howsoever. Item I give and bequeath to my said grandchild Leonard TREHERNE, the sum of £600 to be paid to him at his age of 21 years, and to my grandchild Mary TREHERNE one of the sisters of the said Leonard, the sum of £200 to be paid to her at her marriage or at her age of 21 years which shall first happen, and to my grandchild Anne TREHERNE one other of the sisters of the said Leonard TREHERNE the sum of £200 to be paid her at her age of 21 years or marriage which of them so ever shall first happen, and if it shall happen any of my said grandchildren Leonard, Mary or Anne TREHERNE, to depart this mortal life before such time as he or she or they shall have received his her or their said legacies according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will, then I will that the legacy and legacies of him, her, or them so dying shall remain and be paid to the survivor or survivors of them equally between them and my will and meaning is and I will and devise that my execs hereafter named shall be have the custody and keeping use and employment of the said several legacies by me lastly devised as aforesaid to my said three grandchildren Leonard, Mary, and Anne TREHERNE during and until the same shall grow due and payable by the same grandchildren severally and respectively according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will, so as my said execs do and shall be within the space of six months next after my decease become bound with sureties sufficient to my overseers or to the survivors or survivor of them by obligation in such a penalty as my said overseers or the survivors or survivor of them shall think reasonable for payment of the said several legacies of £600 and £200 and £200 ratably proportionally and respectively as aforesaid and according to the true intent meaning and limitation of this my will before declared together with allowance of £6 per annum upon every £100 of the same legacies to be paid with the same legacies ratably severally and respectively when the same legacies shall grow due and payable as aforesaid without fraud or covin, and if my execs shall deny and refuse and shall not become bound as aforesaid, then I will that my said execs (upon such denial and refusal and not entering into bond as aforesaid) shall pay to my overseers or to the survivors of them the said legacies of £600, £200, and £200 to be by my said overseers or the survivors of them delivered to sum of the twelve companies of the city of London with as much convenient speed as they can after the receipt thereof upon good security by them to be taken of such company to the use of my said grandchildren respectively for payment of the said legacies and allowance of £6 per centum per annum as aforesaid ratably and proportionally when the same legacies shall grow due and payable severally and respectively as aforesaid, or otherwise if my overseers or the survivors of them cannot conveniently deliver the said legacies as aforesaid, then I do request and desire my said overseers or the survivors of them to keep in their hand the same legacies of £600, £200, and £200 and to use and employ the same, and to enter into bond with sufficient sureties to my said execs for payment of the same legacies and for allowance of £6 per centum per annum for every £100 thereof in such like sort and manner (mutatis mutandis) as my execs should have done by the true meaning of this my will if they had kept and employed the same legacies and entered into bond for the same as is before declared. Item I give and bequeath to the children of my son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN and of my daughter Anne his wife, hereafter named these several legacies following viz. to Christopher GRIFFIN £100, to be paid to him within six months next after my decease to Treherne GRIFFIN, £150 and to Joyce GRIFFIN £150, all which several legacies by me severally given to the said children of my son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife as aforesaid (except the said legacy to Christopher GRIFFIN) I will shall be paid to them and every of them severally and respectively as follows vizt to the said Treherne GRIFFIN his legacies at his age of 21 years and to the said daughters of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife their legacies at their several ages of 21 years or marriage which shall first happen, and if it shall happen any of the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife, being in their minorities, to depart this mortal life before such time as he she or they shall severally and respectively have received his her or their legacies as aforesaid, then my meaning is and I will and devise that the legacy and legacies of him her or them so lying shall remain to the survivors and survivor of the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife equally, provided all ways and my further meaning is and I will and devise that if my said son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN (if he be living) or he being dead, if the said Anne my daughter shall within the space of one year next after my decease, become bound to my overseers hereafter named or to such other person or persons as they or the survivors of them shall name and appoint by obligation in a reasonable penalty such as my said overseers shall think fit for payment of the several legacies aforesaid to the same children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife, severally and respectively at the several times herein before limited for payment thereof, that then the said Edward or Anne on being such bond as aforesaid shall have the custody of the said legacies to the children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne devised as aforesaid during and until the same shall severally and respectively grow due to the said children according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will for the better maintenance and education of the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife during their minorities and in default of such bond my will and meaning is that the several sums of by me given to the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife shall be by my execs paid unto and remain in the hands of my overseers or the survivors of them until the times of payment thereof herein severally and respectively limited as before said, they entering such bond for paying and allowing for the same to the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or to the survivor of them for and towards the maintenance of the said children of the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife after the rate of £6 per centum yearly for every £100 thereof severally and respectively as aforesaid. Item I give to my grandchild William HARRIS son of my said daughter SARA by her first husband William HARRIS the sum of £150, to be paid to him within six months next after my decease. Item I give to the children of my late son-in-law Henry DRAPER and of the said Sara late his wife hereafter named these several legacies following vizt to Sara DRAPER £150, to John DRAPER £100, to Henry DRAPER £100, to Rebecca DRAPER £100, to Edward DRAPER £100, and to Thomas DRAPER £150, all which legacies by me severally given as aforesaid to the children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara his late wife I will shall be paid to them and every of them severally and respectively as follows vizt. To the sons their legacies at their several ages of 21 years, and to the daughters their legacies at their several ages of 21 years or marriage which shall first happen and if it shall fortune any of the said children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara his late wife to depart this mortal life before such time as he, she, or they shall severally or respectively have received his, her, or their legacies as aforesaid, then my meaning is and I will and devise that the legacy and legacies of him, her, or them so dying shall remain to the survivors or survivor of them equally provided also and my further meaning is and I will and devise that if my son-in-law William IREMONGER now the husband of my said daughter Sara, if he be living or he being dead, if the said Sara my daughter shall within the space of one year next after my decease become bond to my overseers hereafter named or to such other person or persons as they or the survivors of them shall name and appoint by obligation in a reasonable penalty such as my said overseers shall think fit for payment of the several legacies aforesaid to the said children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara his late wife severally and respectively at the time before limited for payment thereof that then the said William IREMONGER or Sara (entering such bond as aforesaid) shall have the custody of the said legacies herein before given to the children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara as aforesaid during and until the same the same shall severally and respectively grow due to the said children according to the limitation true intent and meaning of this my will for the better maintenance and education of the said children of the said Henry DRAPER during their minorities and in default of such bonds my will and meaning is that the several sums by me given to the said children of the said Henry DRAPER and Sara as aforesaid, shall by my execs be paid unto and remain in the hands of my overseers or the survivors of them until the times of payment thereof herein severally and respectively limited as aforesaid, they entering such bonds for the payment and allowing for the same to the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or to the survivor of them for and towards the maintenance of the said children of the said henry DRAPER and Sara his late wife after the rate of £6 per centum yearly for every £100 thereof severally and respectively as aforesaid. Item I give to the churchwardens and the rest of the vestrymen of the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark aforesaid £5. Item I give and bequeath to the Right Worshipful the Company of the Cloth Workers of the city of London, whereof I am free the sum of £10 to be bestowed upon apiece of plate for the said company and my name to be engraved therein. Item I give to my late servant Eleanor COOKE, £10. Item I give to my loving friend and countryman John GREENE scrivener, £5. Item I give to William IREMONER, son of my said son-in-law William IREMONGER and of my daughter Sara his wife, the sum of £100, the residue of all and singular my goods, chattels, rights, credits, and debts after my debts paid my funeral expenses discharged and the legacies in this my present last will contained fully satisfied, I wholly give devise and bequeath to my said daughters Anne GRIFFIN and Sara IREMONGER equally between them to be divided pat and portions like, and I make and ordain my said son-in-laws Edward GRIFFIN and William IREMONGER the sole and only execs of this my present last will and testament, praying them to agree well and lovingly together and to be careful in the due payment and performance of the gifts and legacies and of all other the matters and things herein contained according to my true meaning so near as they came as I do especially trust them, and as they will answer the contrary before God upon their souls, and for the better assistance of my said execs in the execution hereof I name ordain and appoint the said John GREENE and my loving friends and neighbor George PAYNE and Richard YARWOODE the overseers of this my will, and I give to everyone of my said overseers for their pains to be taken therein a mourning cloak of black cloth, and I do utterly renounce, revoke, and disannul all former wills, testaments, gifts, legacies, devises, and bequeaths execs and overseers by me heretofore made, named, devised, limited or bequeathed, other then such as are mentioned and contained n this my present last will and testament, and I will that this my testament shall stand for, and be my very last will and testament. Item I give and bequeath to 60 poor men to accompany my body to the grave on the day of my burial each of them a gown of black cloth. Item I do declare that my daughters Anne and Sara are and were advanced by me ooth [sic] portions given in marriage ooth [sic] them to their husbands, and therefore my meaning is that their husbands and every of them shall be excluded of all parts and portions of my goods and chattels which, by the custom of the city of London, they or either of them might challenge if they were not content. And I will that if the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife or either of them or any other in the right of the said Anne shall seek for or demand any part or portion of or in my goods, chattels, or debts by virtue or color of the said custom, then I will that all and every the gifts, legacies, and bequeaths herein devised or bequeathed by me to the said Edward and Anne or either of them, and their children shall be void and of none effect and then I give the same legacies to the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife and to the children of the said Sara and I further will that if the said William IREMONGER and Sara his wife or either of them or any other in the right of the said Sara shall seek for or demand any part or portion of or in my goods, chattels, or debts by virtue or color of the said costume, then I will that all and every the gifts and legacies bequeathed herein given, devised or bequeathed by me to the said William IREMONGER and Sara or either of them and to the children of the said Sara shall be void and of none effect, and then I give the same legacies to the said Edward GRIFFIN and Anne his wife and to the children of the said Anne, anything in this my present last will contained to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness whereof I have to the last leaf of this my will containing in the whole sixteen leaves set my seal and subscribed my mark and to one label fixed through all the same leaves and through one waste leave. I have also set my seal the day and year first above written, the mark of John TREHERNE. Sealed, published, pronounced, and delivered by the said John TREHERNE, the day of the date hereof as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, Thomas SUTTON, Richard WRIGHT, Francis WINTON, John GREENE scrivener, and Arthur JUXON
A codicil to be annexed to the last will and testament of me, John TREHERNE. Whereas I have devised and appointed in my last will bearing date the 24th day of July Anno Domini 1618, that my son-in-law William IREMONGER and Sara his wife shall have the use and occupation of my messuage or house wherein I now dwell until my grandchildren John TREHERNE and Leonard TREHERNE or one of them shall first accomplish his age of 21 years allowing for the same £20 per annum as in my will is mentioned I do by this my codicil will and devise that my son-in-law Edward GRIFFIN and his wife or the survivor of them shall have his or their continuance and abode at and in the said messuage with free engross aggress and regress into and from the same together with the said William IROEMONGER and Sara his wife until they shall have parted and demanded the goods and estate between them remaining in my said house and elsewhere according to the true meaning of my said will anything in my said will contained to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my mark the 6th day of September Anno Domini 1618, the mark of John TREHERNE. Subscribed in the presence of us John GREENE scrivener, Phillip POWLE
The above written testament with codicil was proved at London before Master Edmund POPE Doctor of Laws, surrogate of the very worshipful Sir John BENNET knight also Doctor of Laws, lawfully constituted Master, Keeper, or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 28th day of October 1618, by the oaths of Edward GRIFFIN and William IREMONGER appointed execs in the same testament, to whom were granted administration of all and singular the goods, chattels, and debts of the said deceased, sworn on the Holy Gospels in due form of law to well and faithfully administer the same. Examined.